
VenusBlood Gaia International Pre-Order Store!

Created by Studio Ninetail (スタジオ九尾)

Missed out on the VBGI Kickstarter Campaign? You can still pick up some goodies here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

VenusBlood RAGNAROK International Kickstarter Information / VenusBlood RAGNAROKインターナショナルキックスターター開催予定日 + 開催情報
21 days ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2024 at 01:16:40 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, everyone!

A very straightforward title, so here is some information about the upcoming VB RAGNAROK Kickstarter!

Yes, the VBRI Kickstarter project is planned to start in May of this year! 

Now then, some extra information about this Kickstarter that we feel is worth talking about beforehand:

  1. Due to the prices of Gas and Labour costs going up across the board, shipping costs for both domestic and international deliveries will be raised significantly. The shipping prices for all of the previous projects were prices where we at Ninetail would shoulder 25-50% of the actual shipping cost for the sake of our fans. However, this has put a significant strain on our finances, and with the rising costs, is no longer feasible. We apologise for having to bear such bad news, but we will be heavily recalculating the shipping costs for certain regions.
  2. When it comes to the "Flower of the Battlefield" pledge, the amount of text setting up and ending the scene properly have been getting longer and longer to help it better fit the overall story, not to mention the costs associated with fully designing a character(unit)'s costume, the cost of this tier is exponentially higher than that of a simple "Rebirth" pledge. As a result, we are terribly sorry to have to do so, but we will be raising the price of the "Flower of the Battlefield" pledge going forward. On another note, we will also be adding a variation of this pledge where for an extra fee, you can choose the VA who will be voicing the unit you have chosen (limited to VAs who are in the International version).
  3. Due to the increased difficulty in working on a game in the Unity engine as opposed to Kirikiri for all previous main titles, we will likely be unable to provide a proper SRPG trial for the Kickstarter Launch. We will, however, provide an expanded Story Trial that will involve never before seen scene bits involving the new International version Character, Vidar! 

We thank you for your understanding regarding these changes, and we hope to see you all there!







  1. 輸送人件費や燃料代上昇を含めた国内外の発送コストが数年前に比べて大きく上昇しております。これまで送料については、25~50%程ナインテイル側が負担をしておりましたが、それが大変厳しくなってしまいました。大変申し訳ありませんが、発送費用については大きく地域別に見直し・調整をさせて頂きました。
  2. 「戦場の紅一点」について、シナリオシーンに入る前の前置きとなるテキストが意外に多くなるケースがあり、またキャラクター衣装デザインもしっかりしたものを用意することで、同格のプレッジである「異世界転生」よりもコストが想定以上にかかる傾向にありました。その為、大変申し訳ありませんが、「戦場の紅一点」については、プレッジ額を上昇調整させて頂きました。また、別途シーンを演じる声優を選択できる追加オプションプレッジを用意させて頂く予定です。(インターナショナル版で演じて頂く声優様の中から選択)
  3. VBRIは今までのインターナショナル版タイトルと違い、吉里吉里ではなくユニティーでの開発となる為にキックスターター開催までにSLG体験版のご用意は難しい見込みとなっております。代わりとして、インターナショナル版の特殊ADV体験版をご用意させて頂く予定です。こちらは原作VBRで登場しなかった新規キャラ、ヴィザールが顔見せとして物語に少し登場します!


VBGI Post-Release Survey Results / VBGI リリース後アンケート結果
3 months ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 03:56:36 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

We're sorry for the long wait for this update, but now that the survey period for the VBGI post release survey has concluded, we would like to share with you all some interesting observations (results, so to speak) from the survey!

Main Characters Popularity Poll

1 ) In first place for character popularity, it is a dead heat between Teria & Carmilla!

Carmilla had a tad more than Teria for first and second place votes, but Teria caught up with the amount of 3rd place votes in terms of overall weighting! 

Oh and Milia got 3rd place behind these two juggernauts. Theo and Titie, father daughter combo, got 4th together and trailing a bit behind them is Lucretia! 

It's interesting to note that Lucretia enjoys much more popularity in the western sphere than the JP one.

On the Japanese side of things, Teria dominated the top spot, with Titie getting 2nd place with a scant few votes above 3rd place, who was Milia once again. In 4th is Philo, which is impressive for a new character, and 5th is Kukul, who sees a lot more popularity in Japan than the Western side.

Overall Poll Results for Main Characters:

Overseas Voters
1st Teria & Carmilla
3rd Milia
4th Theo & Titie
6th Lucretia

Japan Voters
1st Teria
2nd Titie
3rd Milia
4th Philo
5th Kukul
6th Carmilla

2) In the Side Character section, the Nocturne Scholar Alegria comes out at the very top, with her fellow dark-skinned beauty Nocturne Blade Lamina coming in at 2nd place, barely edging out Turia who settled in 3rd place!

Lamina actually only beat Turia by a single vote, while Alegria had a more sizable difference between her and 2nd place.

Not surprising to see the 2 dark-skinned beauties take the top spots, with our beloved robot gal Turia taking 3rd. 

An honourable mention goes out to Orte who missed out on 3rd by just a single vote, and Willow who missed it by only 2!

Interestingly enough, the Japanese side of this vote was somewhat similar to the Western one when it comes to the results.

Naturally, the bwaka robot Turia took first place by a sizeable margin, with Nocturne Scholar Alegria taking 2nd with a respectable amount of votes, and Ether Wisp Willow coming in 3rd, losing to Alegria by only a single vote...! Oh and H-MAN also tied for 3rd place. What a surprise!

4th went to Miden, who is unsurprisingly popular as she is new, and 5th was the Little Whisper, which considering she didn't get any new scenes is impressive.

Overall Poll Results for Side Characters:

Overseas Voters
1st Nocturne Scholar Alegria
2nd Nocturne Blade Lamina
3rd Turia
4th Orte
5th Ether Wisp Willow
6th Miden & Little Whisper & H-MAN

Japan Voters
1st Turia
2nd Nocturne Scholar Alegria
3rd Ether Wisp Willow & H-MAN
5th Little Whisper
6th Orcish Rider Irma & Ena

3) On the gameplay side of things, only about 54% of players attempted the harder difficulties! (With only 41% or so actually having cleared it). On the Japanese side of things, as one might expect, the harder difficulties were played by 76% of correspondents. (With a 52% or so clear rate!)

4) The most played titles from us are...Surprise, surprise, HOLLOW and FRONTIER at the top, with GAIA, this game, in 3rd. Not sure what we were expecting, but there you go. On the JP side, it's HOLLOW, FRONTIER, and RAGNAROK.

5) The most desired future localisation title is, again, a foregone conclusion, it was LAGOON, obviously. To nobody's surprise. In 2nd place is RAGNAROK which, hey, is actually coming next! and BRAVE in 3rd. Par for the course in terms of results, really. So unsurprising in fact that we're pretty sure 99% of you guessed the results to this accurately.

Interestingly, JP shares the top 2 spots, but in 3rd place they actually voted for VB ABYSS. Perhaps because they can already read the story of VBB, the gameplay left something to be desired for them.

That about does it for this survey report. 

There were other bits in the Survey that we won't cover, but definitely contained a lot of valuable opinions and interesting data that will most certainly be of use to us, and we would like to once again thank everyone who participated in the survey!





1位 テリア
2位 ティティ
3位 ミリア
4位 フィロ
5位 ククル
6位 キャルミラ

1位 テリア&キャルミラ
3位 ミリア
4位 テオフラッド&ティティ
6位 ルクレツィア


当然の結果といえば、そうかもしれませんね。2位と3位に比べてわりと差がありました。次いで2位を納めたのは皆の愛娘、ティティ! そして3位を獲得したのは他でもない、VBGIのメインヒロイン、ミリア!



英語圏の方の結果としては、トップを争う2人はテリアとキャルミラでした。1位と2位の票が少し多めだったキャルミラVS全体的にたくさんの票を集めたヘビーウェイトテリアちゃん! ちなみに3位は同じくミリアでした。



1位 トゥリア
2位 ノクターンスカラー アレグリア
3位 エーテルウィスプ ウィロウ & H-MAN
5位 リトルウィスパー
6位 オーキシュライダー イルマ & エナ

1位 ノクターンスカラー アレグリア
2位 ノクターンブレイド ラミナ
3位 トゥリア
4位 オルテ
5位 エーテルウィスプ ウィロウ
6位 ミ―デン & リトルウィスパー & H-MAN




しかし、まさかの3位はエーテルウィスプ(ウィロウ)と...H-MAN?! のデッドヒートになるとは!ウィロウはエーテルメイドとしてのアピールは当然ですが、子供に人気のH-MANもまさかファン達にも大人気だったなんて! さすがハマーン! そこに痺れる、憧れるッ!


高難易度のプレイ率は76%! (その中の54%程度は無事クリアできたとのことでした)




4位 創神のアルスマグナ

弊社プレイ済みタイトルの順位は、HOLLOW, FRONTIER, RAGNAROK。HOLLOWとFRONTIERはキックスタータータイトルなので、当然といえば当然ですが、RAGNAROKは直接の続編だけあって、人気ですね。ちなみに、次のキックスタータープロジェクトはそのRAGNAROKですよ!



◆次回ローカライズ希望のタイトルですが...正直に言って、聞くまでもないですよね? LAGOONが圧勝です。LAGOONは初期の頃のローカライズ希望アンケートから、ほぼずっと1位キープでした。大人気ですね。



VenusBlood GAIA International 発売後アンケート結果は以上となります。いろんな役立ち情報と貴重な意見を沢山いただきました! アンケートに協力して下さった皆様、ありがとうございます!

Announcement of The Next Kickstarter Project! / 次のキックスタータープロジェクトの発表
3 months ago – Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 09:09:46 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

An easily understood title, so let us get into the juicy information!

What is the next game we have planned to localise? Well here's a hint...It's a sequel game!

Ah, enough beating around the bush, here you go!

That is correct, the direct sequel to VenusBlood Frontier, VenusBlood Ragnarok will be the next project in line to be localised!

Many have been asking for us to localise the sequel to the popular VB FRONTIER, and well, here you go!

Now then, alongside this announcement of what exactly the next Kickstarter Project will be, we would also like to reveal some extra juicy information regarding the VB Ragnarok Project!

For the first time in any of our localisation projects so far, we would like to announce a new Character that will appear in the International version of VB Ragnarok!

Normally this is a privilege reserved for Stretch Goal Completions, but we felt that the story would benefit overall from the inclusion of this new character (and also it'd make the trial version for the Kickstarter more exciting), so we went ahead and included a new character from the get go!

Just 1 new character this time compared to the usual 2, as we have dedicated resources that would normally go towards designing a 2nd Stretch Goal Character towards improving Vidar and her integration into the existing story. As a result of this, the content of the Stretch Goals will likely change as well, so do look forward to finding out during the KS project!

But enough rambling, you want to know about this new character, yes?

Here she is!


Demon Princess of Moonlight Vidar

"You want me to believe in your destiny? Then prove to me that you have the willpower to overcome and and every obstacle in your way."

The destined child born of the union between the Overlord Loki and the original Chief God Odin.

However, she was born with more demonic features than not, owing to her having inherited more demonic traits from her father than divine traits from her mother.

As a result, her life was threatened by the Senator who believes in Divine Superiority. Perhaps due to the experience of having her destiny dictated by the circumstances of her birth, she seems to have developed an apathetic, somewhat pessimistic personality.

However, buried deep within is a strong will and rebellious spirit, directed at her parents who abandoned her.

She has lived in the same mansion as Vali when he was being hidden away from the world, and is happy that he treats her normally despite knowing the circumstances of her birth.

And there you have it, Vidar, the child of Odin and Loki! Despite inheriting the demonic traits from her father, she bears a striking resemblance to her mother, no? Those heterochromia eyes especially.

Now then, before we end off this update, a few notes about the upcoming Kickstarter project and about the International version itself.

Some Information About the VBRI Kickstarter

First, let's talk about Vidar.

She will be voiced by Aoba Ringo, who some of you might know as Anora's VA from VB Hollow! Aoba Ringo has many fans, and we hope that you are happy with the casting!

Some of you might be wondering about the Top Pledge that we have in our Kickstarter campaigns, and yes, Vidar IS AVAILABLE TO BE CHOSEN FOR THE TOP TIER PLEGE.

Why not join us in shaping the way the story will proceed (to some extent) by adding more scenes for Vidar?

Just remember that because she is slated to be an important character to the overall story of VBRI, we will be vetting scene requests for her very carefully to ensure they do not disrupt the flow of the story or are not fitting for the character/circumstances they find themselves in. Therefore, if there are any problems with the scene request, we may request a re-do or a different scene request altogether.

Certainly a Jam-Packed update, yes? We hope you enjoyed it, and are looking forward to the VBRI Localisation Project!







そう、次のキックスタータープロジェクトはVenusBlood Ragnarokとなります!

大人気のVB FRONTIERの続編ですね!



そう、普段はストレッチゴール専用の追加要素、新規キャラクター! しかし、VBRIのゲーム体験やキックスターターをより良いものに出来ると考え、事前に新キャラを1人追加確定と致しました! 今回は完全新規のメインキャラクターはこの1人だけとなりますが、これはよりゲームストーリーへの親和性を高めるためにリソースをこのキャラに集中させるべき、と判断した次第です。この関係で、ストレッチゴールの内容はこれまでとは若干変更がある可能性があります。




「貴方は運命を信じる? すべてを乗り越えていくという意志を見せられるかしら」

覇王ロキと旧主神オーディンの間に生まれた宿命の少女。     魔族の血を色濃く継いだため、神族至上主義を掲げる元老院に命を狙われてきた。己の出生に運命を翻弄されてきた経験から、どこか投げ遣りで醒めた性格をしている。     しかしその心の奥底には、己を捨てた両親への反抗心と共に、強い意志力が宿っている。     ヴァーリとは世間から身を隠していた一時期、同じ屋敷で暮らしたことがあり、自分の身分を知っても分け隔てなく接してくれたことに喜びを感じていた。






声優は誰なのか、知りたいんですよね? ヴィザールの声優は、青葉りんごさんとなります!








VBGI JP Version Available on STEAM! / VBGI 日本語スチーム版発売開始
6 months ago – Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 06:01:58 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

VBGI JP Version Steam Release

In VB GAIA International related news, the Japanese version of VB Gaia International is now available for purchase on STEAM!

If you already own the game, you should be able to just switch languages via STEAM, but do keep in mind that the JP version is INCOMPATIBLE with a certain...content restoration patch that you may or may not be able to download from JAST.

You would need to download one that works with the Japanese Version, which should also be available from JAST. However, due to how the Japanese version works, certain CGs will still contain mosaics.

So if you were interested, here is the link to GAIA's Steam Page!

VBGI 日本語版スチーム発売開始

ついにこの日が来ました!そう、VB GAIA インターナショナルの日本語版がついにスチームで購入可能になりました!




【海外ユーザー様へ】 海外のユーザー様は、JASTのホームページにて、VBGIスチーム日本語版用の追加コンテンツパッチを提供させて頂いています。  そちらでダウンロードのうえ、お楽しみください。  ただし、イベントCGについては、日本語圏のユーザー様が入手できる可能性があるため、アンセンサードのCGではありません。  どうかご了承くださいませ。

【日本ユーザー様へ】 日本のユーザー様は、DLsite様、FANZA様より、VBGIの追加コンテンツパッチをダウンロードしてください。(2GB近くあり、容量が大きいです)  そのパッチを当てたうえで、スチーム版への追加コンテンツを完全にするためには、ナインテイルの公式サイトで配布されるスチーム専用追加コンテンツパッチのファイルを、追加で当てて頂く必要があります。(こちらは、容量が小さいです)  2つのパッチを当てないと正常に動作致しませんので、ご注意くださいますようお願いいたします。  詳しくは、VBGIの公式作品サイトトップにて掲載いたします。

VenusBlood GAIAインターナショナルのスチームページ

VenusBlood HOLLOW FD Kickstarter / VenusBlood HOLLOW FD キックスターター開催!
6 months ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 11:00:35 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, everyone!

The VBHI FD Kickstarter Project is now LIVE!

We hope that you are all excited for it, and we would definitely appreciate it if you would consider lending us your support once again!

Towards a brighter, more tentacle-filled future!

The KS Project Ends on the 3rd of November 2023.




VenusBlood HOLLOW InternationalのFandiscキックスタータープロジェクトが開催中です!


開催は2023年11月3日 まで!